Welcome to the Didcot Allotment Society!

Do you have an allotment or are passionate about homegrown veg, fruit or flowers? Become a member of DAS today, and show your support for our precious green space in the town. 

Didcot Allotment Society (DAS) is an organisation affiliated with the National Allotment Society (NAS). Our aim is to encourage Didcot residents to use the allotments and discover the many benefits that come with the ownership of your own piece of land to dig in and grow your own!

We're a friendly bunch, ranging from seasoned allotment experts to new and enthusiastic home gardeners.  The committee holds meetings where we plan and discuss events and all things allotments, and we invite you to join us.  

Don't forget to look out for our regular events, including plant bring & buy sales, and seed swaps! 

On this site you will find information about:

Are you interested in applying for an allotment in Didcot?  You'll need to do that through the Didcot Council directly by clicking here.